Call for Papers
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) aims at improving the symbiosis between humans and computers by merging two research fields: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This may involve including intelligent capabilities in the interface in order to improve performance, usability and experience in critical ways. It may also involve designing an interface that effectively leverages human skills and capabilities, so that human performance with an application improves. Examples of application domains in which this synergism is necessary for improving the interaction experience are Recommender Systems, Adaptive Interfaces, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Ambient Intelligence, Affective Computing, Information Visualization, etc.
We are very interested in contributions that bridge these two fields (AI and HCI) and also related fields, such as psychology, cognitive science, computer graphics, culture and arts, etc.
We invite original paper submissions that describe novel user interfaces, applications, interactive and intelligent technologies, empirical studies, or design techniques. See the topics section below for a more comprehensive list of areas in which the workshop encourages submissions.
The accepted papers will be published in a centralized CEUR-WS volume of workshop papers.
Topics include but are not limited to:
* Novel User Interfaces and Interaction Techniques
* Natural Interaction
* Interaction with Smart Objects
* Gesture Recognition
* Ambient Intelligence
* Brain Computer Interfaces
* Biometric Interfaces
* Human Robot Interface
* Conversational Interfaces
* Interfaces For Disable And Elderly People
* Assistive Devices/Technology
* Wearable And Pervasive Technologies
* Ubiquitous Interfaces
* Mobile HCI
* User Modeling and Adaptive Interfaces
* Affective Computing
* 3D Interfaces
* Intelligent Web-User Interfaces
* Novel Interfaces for the Social Web and Social Media
* Intelligent Information Visualization
We welcome the following types of contributions:
- Full research papers (up to 12 pages)
- Short research papers (up to 6 pages)
- Demo papers (up to 4 pages)
- Position papers (up 4 pages)
All submissions must be written in English and must be formatted according to the information for LNCS Authors, and submitted electronically in PDF format to EasyChair.
The workshop might be followed by a special issue on a journal (details to be announced).